Cayman Islands UBO Law – Compliance

Since 2017 “in scope” Cayman Islands companies are required to maintain a beneficial ownership register and “out of scope” Cayman Islands companies are required to identify the basis on which they are “out of scope”.

To assist our corporate clients and their shareholders to determine whether a company is “in scope” or “out of scope” and to make the necessary filings, we have created a UBO Compliance package which includes Explanatory Notes and Self-Certification Forms. Links to the Explanatory Notes and Forms are found below.

To determine whether a company is “in scope” or “out of scope” and the required filings you should first read our Explanatory Notes and then complete the Self-Certification Forms as applicable.

The Self-Certification Forms are PDF documents which can be completed online and saved, or downloaded and then completed and saved using Acrobat Reader. Handwritten copies cannot be processed and will not be accepted. Individuals completing Self-Certification Forms should, where applicable, return the forms to the Company to be collated and then forwarded to us by email. If you have questions about the Forms, please email

Campbells can provide specific legal advice on compliance with these requirements at our usual hourly rates. Please email us at if you require assistance.

The Explanatory Notes and Forms

Form A – Self Certification Questionnaire for an Individual

Form B – Self Certification Questionnaire for any Relevant Legal Entity that is a Registrable Person

Form C – Company Confirmations