CCSL Fee Schedule

Campbells Corporate Services Limited 

Annual Fees Our Fees (USD)
Registered Office Fee 1,550.00
Beneficial Ownership Reporting and Register Maintenance Fee 225.00
Economic Substance Notification Fee 150.00
Sundry Disbursements 125.00
CIMA – Supplemental Company Fee 91.46
Processing Fee – CIMA Regulated Entity 300.00
Administration Fee – Fund Annual Return (FAR) Filing Fee 180.00
Processing Fee – per Segregated Portfolio 125.00
Renewal of registration as a registered person under the Securities Investment Business Act 2,500.00
Economic Substance Annual Return Fee (In Scope Entities) 850.00
Representative Person for Cayman Islands Vessels 1,395.00


Incidental Fees Our Fees (USD)
Administration Fee (penalty) 150.00
Transfer of Registered Office 1,200.00


The fees set out above do not include amounts payable to the Cayman Islands Government or the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, or in respect of the provision of legal services.  Please get in touch with us for details of services and fees not specified above.

Our standard terms and conditions are available at

Published on 9 November 2023